The Kenya Sugar Board has released a draft notice outlining the procedure for the election of miller representatives to the Board. This document provides a clear framework for the electoral process, ensuring transparency, fairness, and adherence to the Sugar Act No.11 of 2024.

Key highlights of the draft include:

  • Election Committee: An 11-member committee will oversee the election process, with representatives from various institutions.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Detailed requirements for candidates and voters, including licensing, citizenship, and integrity standards.
  • Voting Process: A democratic system of one miller, one delegate, one vote, with provisions for secret balloting and secure handling of ballots.
  • Complaints Mechanism: Procedures for addressing election-day complaints and ensuring accountability.

We encourage all stakeholders to review the draft notice and provide feedback. Your input is crucial in refining the process and ensuring it meets the needs of the sugar industry.

The draft notice is available for download on the button below. Please submit your comments by 21st , January 2025 to

Your participation is essential in shaping a fair and transparent election process. Download the draft, review it, and share your thoughts with us.